Thursday, June 28, 2007

We are home!

After a month being on the road, it is good to be 100 degree temps notwithstanding! We have traveled through so many stormy, rainy areas it is actually good to see the DRY heat that is home to us. We have been in Charleston, SC during the time those brave firefighters lost their lives, we have seen the banks of the rivers in Texas exceed their capacity and make swamps of groves of trees, we have survived a night of fearsome winds in Van Horn, TX and made our way to home safely. So, the heat is just a major inconvenience compared to what others are dealing with, I know that we are the blessed ones! Our prayers to those who are enduring loss, whatever the toll.

We will unpack the motorhome and prepare to put it away until the next big adventure. It is too hot here to push ourselves and do it all at once, so we have adopted Scarlett O'Hara's motto of "tomorrow is another day".

1 comment:

Doris Glovier said...

Welcome back! We missed you on the WCW! Susan I love the hollyhocks on Yupo. Haven't tried the stuff and don't think I'm ready yet. As you suggested, I placed a link to your blog on my site. If you'd like to link to mine, the site is here: .