Saturday, November 07, 2009

Chiricahua Slideshow

I created a short slideshow of just a few of the photos I took while in the Chiricahua National Monument, which is near Willcox, AZ. The rock formations were amazing!

The slideshow isn't long and I don't think you will be bored! To see it, just click here.


Vicki Greene said...

Terrific pictures. Thanks for the slideshow.

Watercolors by Susan Roper said...

It was my pleasure, Vicki...those rocks were just super.

Gary Keimig said...

great pixs, Susan. I would love to see that area of Arizona. Am familiar with it through Arizona Hiways and interesting reading from sources on the Apache and Geronimo. Sounds like fascinating country. Will be interesting to see what paintings evolve from your trip.
God bless,

Watercolors by Susan Roper said...

Thanks, Gary. It will be difficult to choose which scenes I want to paint since I was so inspired to paint them while there. No painting that day, just LOTS of photos!