Saturday, November 07, 2009

Massai Point - Chiricahua's

This was a panorama I stitched together from eight photos. It was taken from an elevation of 6,870 feet elevation, which was the highest point on the road through the Chiricahua Nat'l Monument. Massai Point looks out toward the Cochise Stronghold area we visited earlier during the week we were in Benson.


The Weaver of Grass said...

Beautiful panorama shots Susan on what looks like a perfect day.

Vicki Greene said...

It looks like a painting already.

Watercolors by Susan Roper said...

Yes, Weaver, it was a perfect day! And, Vicki, I thought the same thing when I beheld that view! I love seeing these things and then coming home to ponder what to do with them...lots of possibilities.