Friday, October 31, 2008

Nicholas Simmons

Nicholas Simmons is a renowned artist who has graced this blog with comments occasionally on my paintings posted here. He was a big award winner in the National Watercolor Society's exhibition and his Fresh Sushi painting is shown here, one of his award-winning paintings. This will be one of the featured paintings in the National Watercolor Society Annual Traveling Exhibition October 31, through December 14, 2008. This will be at the Surprise West Valley Art Museum during these dates. I plan to view his painting "up close and personal" and hope that many of you will, too. It promises to be a very good exhibit. Call the museum for details, see you there!

PS....If you would like to visit Nick's website it is at: This guy can paint!


RH Carpenter said...

Lucky you, Susan!!! I hope this is coming to a town near me, too.

Nick said...

Thanks for posting that Susan - was it hung in a good location, or next to the drinking fountains? heheh

Watercolors by Susan Roper said...

Nick! It was prominently posted on a stand-alone wall away from the "gallery" wall, sorta like it was separated from the riff-raff paintings! LOL. Seriously, it was very prominently displayed and in just the perfect place. Also, seriously, this was a wonderful display of watercolor paintings, I was in awe.