Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Well past my anniversary

I just went back to my very first post on this blog, it was  October 11, 2006. So I am past my fourth anniversary with this blog! Time certainly flies. I look back at my first timid attempts at blogging and am thankful I did not give up back then and stop trying to blog. Soon after starting this blog, we started construction of my art studio onto our house. That was fun revisiting that process, although I doubt I would want to go through that again. Needless to say, the room looked much bigger then than it does now with all of my files (better make that piles!) taking up every available space in here. Sigh. Thankfully, it has French doors leading into it so I can just close the doors and the blinds on the door and my disorganization goes away. That is better than, gasp, cleaning and organizing it or something!

Not much time left before Christmas friends! We are as close to being ready as we care to get for now and will just take things as they come. This is not the year for big celebrations for us; we are just thankful that we are all still here and reasonably healthy and able to enjoy our families and friends. God is good.


RH Carpenter said...

Happy belated blogger-versary!! And here's to many many more. Happy Holidays to you and Tom and may all your Christmas prayers be answered.

Vicki Greene said...

It has been a year, hasn't it? God is good! Hope you and Tom have a Christmas filled with laughter.