Saturday, November 10, 2012

I finished this painting of Lin Frye's excellent photo during the watercolor session Thursday afternoon. I just love to go in, drawing-less, and splash and dab paint! I used a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser for lifting the sunbeams. Might have overdone this just a tad, but it worked!


Vicki Greene said...

Love it! Great job.

RH Carpenter said...

I think you're right that there are a bit too many sunbeams - but can one really have too many sunbeams? I like this and admire that you did it all without predrawing - just letting the creative juices flow!

Ayanangshu Sarkar said...

sunbeams are perfect.. its beautiful

Watercolors by Susan Roper said...

Thanks Vicki, Rhonda and Ayanangshu! I enjoyed doing this one and will try another, only make it larger and be more judicious about the sunbeams.

Michelle Himes said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog, Susan! It was great to hear from you. I lost track of many of my watercolor buddies when my computer crashed last January. I'm glad to see that you are still doing your wonderful southwest scenes, and experimenting (love the sunbeams), and that you have a new (well, almost new) grandson.